Saturday 25 January 2014

Plague terminators

So I have been trying out some gritty and messy paint ideas to make a squad of Plague Terminators for my Chaos Marines.

I'm not sure which one I like most though so going to leave them here while I think it over.

So having thought it over I think the answer I am looking for is... not in these pictures.

I was looking at the other models on my army (of which 2 are painted, and will be posted later) and the theme was meant to be an undevided army that would have a universal scheme with slight changes based on their leanings with the gods, rather then totally disparaged squads looking like they have just got together for the weekend for a quick black crusade.

As such I think I will re-aim my ideas as nurgleing the squad a bit more with pox marks and rot, before painting them in the correct colours (Teal and Bronze) and then go nuts with weathering and corrupting them!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Tau Colour Scheme

Pink Tau, for blending in.... nowhere!

Not a main project by any means, just me playing about with some colours and a few spare tau figures who were annoyingly grey.

A Dash of pink and they are now standing proud on the shelf!

Wraithlord number 1

So having established the scheme I wanted to use with the warlock previously, I have continued to apply it to the pair of Wraith Lords in my army.

The Paint job for this model took alot longer then I would like and the second Wraith Lord was alot faster after I tweaked it a bit.

I started with a base coat of Orkhide shade, the darked green, and then a coat of goblin green over that to get a nice solid green.

Then I layered in Scorpion green all the way up to sunburst yellow, before then using a little green wash in the joints to clean up the deep shadows.

This layering took forever and I would not be repeating that style except for maybe a special character. The result was really nice and I really like the look after but this was about 10 hours of painting yellow, over and over.

For the second Wraith Lord I skipped right to Iyanden Darksun for the Base coat, and then green washed the whole thing before doing the yellow layering. This gave a very similar end result for about 1/4 the time, though the green did not quite have the same feel to it.

I think for any other models with this scheme I will start with the Iyanden Base, a sunburst layer over that, a very watered down Scorpion Green over that to get the same original feel, then carefully green wash the recesses before cleaning up the yellow to finish.

I think it will take a little longer then the last try, but most of that will be drying time rather then painting time!

Monday 13 January 2014

Warlock Recolours

A very quick Post on this one.

After a bit of thought, I redid the robes to greys and whites.

I had thought that I was going to go for a Purple shade highlighted up to bright Res, but after the aforementioned thoughts, I realised this would over colour the figure and give the eye nowhere to start.

Now I'm happy with the result and I think any other elder I try will be with this scheme.

Armour: Yellow with Green Shading.
Weapons and Gear: Purple with Dark Greys for blades and spots.
Gems: Teal
Cloth: Light Greys and Whites.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Space Marine Terminator Chaplain

Just a short post to show an older model of mine, painted about 2 years ago now.

Not actually intended for the battlefield either, as I don't really see him doing anything that I can't get something else to do (and I like more librarians anyway!)

Eldar Warlock - Craftworld Malantai

So here is a test paint job for the Craftworld Malantai Eldar.

I've tried to focus on a mix of greens and yellows for the bases and then using grey and pinks to pickout weapons. I'm not sure if the greens and yellows work to well here though, but I do feel that on the rest of the army (due to the lack of cloths to actually use the green) it will look alot better.

I may try to redo the cloak in something else, maybe a complimentary purple-blue to off set the yellow-green of the armour.

For the yellow armour, I based the whole model in Orkhide Shade (these are older GW paints) and then dry brushed him with snot green to get started.

Then is was a case of layering up some Goblin green, followed by scorpion green and then many many layers of sunburst yellow.

As some of you might know, Sunbust yellow is a terrible cover paint, but actually lent itself to gradual layering, since you normally need at least 3 layers of it to get a reasonable cover anyway!