Wednesday 5 February 2014

Blood Raven Centurions

Bring out the big guns!

While at first I was not sure about these models I actually came to really like them once I realised that the massive shoulder pads were not needed.

I like to use them with Gravity Cannons just for the fact that its the only why to get access to the gun. Its mostly a novelty for me!

They have only been in a couple of games so far but have always been fun, even if they are usually popping away at enemies with armour saves of 6+.

The paint scheme is a simple Blood Ravens theme to match the rest of my current Marines army. Nothing special to report here!

The only thing I have changed is the head options, as I do not like to official heads and rather like the idea that these suits are reserved for the most experienced marines who are still rocking the older MK helmets.


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