Friday 21 February 2014

Rocking the Inquisition

Who can say no to the inquisitor who rides a dreadnought into battle, has a 3 barrelled multimelta, and is more then willing to launch missiles from space onto his own men, if it might help... maybe.

This one was more of a challenge then it should have been, this model has been hanging about in a slightly painted state for over 2 years now, with a very grey body and getting a few changes in scheme.

Still its done now and ready to drop lots of bombs all over everyone.

Home-Made Abaddon for Homebrew Army

Well This is my home made model for Abaddon to use in my Chaos Army should I ever actually play a game big enough to fit him in! 

Made from the Chaos Lord kit and a few home made parts, like the Shoulder Pads (made from Green Stuff)

He is not a complex paint job, and was made to just fit in with the rest of the army. Also he is not Failaddon, maybe the new colour scheme will make him become Winaddon!

Also I appear to have forgotten to paint the sword.... Dang!

Ogre Butcher... Ommm nom nom

Ohmmm nom nom nom...

This is my Ogre Butcher, mostly painted to try out the new Blood paint from GWS. He is originally a River Troll model with an Ogre head.

I layered extra green-stuff around his back and hips to fatten him up and make sure he looked like he was so fattened by his Orge Magic (its powered by eating) that he was having trouble moving.

I also built on an apron and boots and added a dagger to be his cleaver.

The paint job was started with Tallern Flesh colour, and then a green was to really make it look like it is ill. That was then layered with some Rotting Flesh, and then a light wash of Devlan Mud aaaand another layer of Rotting Flesh.

Then comes the bloooooood. Its really just slapped on.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Blood Raven Captain on Bike

An Old project that got pushed to the side a couple of years ago.

It is a simple counts-as for a captain on a bike.

This guy has been on my shelf for 2 years with just the grey and red bases.

I really need to look at doing some directional lighting from the plasma cannon and engine, I think it would add loads to the look of the model.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Blood Raven Centurions

Bring out the big guns!

While at first I was not sure about these models I actually came to really like them once I realised that the massive shoulder pads were not needed.

I like to use them with Gravity Cannons just for the fact that its the only why to get access to the gun. Its mostly a novelty for me!

They have only been in a couple of games so far but have always been fun, even if they are usually popping away at enemies with armour saves of 6+.

The paint scheme is a simple Blood Ravens theme to match the rest of my current Marines army. Nothing special to report here!

The only thing I have changed is the head options, as I do not like to official heads and rather like the idea that these suits are reserved for the most experienced marines who are still rocking the older MK helmets.


Plague Terminators Version 2

So this is the final idea for my Plague Terminators.

The Scheme is simply the same as the rest of my army, Teal with Bronze edging.

The corruption is greenstuff coated in a mix of patchy bleached bone and the washed with scorpion green, dry brushed with bone again and then once more washed with green. It is then glossed for extra gooey shine.

The Bronze is washed with teal as well to tint it and give it another corrosive look.

With any luck the rest of the squad will follow eventually!